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Topic 1:  If you haven’t signed up yet, now is your chance.  Harold mcCormick will be conducting a SAE class on Piston and Ring Design/Materials, with a focus on recently developed materials on cylinder finish quantification and oil ring tension measurements.  this course is currently scheduled for thursday-Friday, October 2-3.  Contact the SAE Learning Center at to register.

Select:  Class Schedule / Opportunities by Date, then search by date

Select the registration icon.

Topic 2:  Customers that use the CKE SEE 3-D Three-Dimensional Surface Evaluation service provide a wide range of cylinder and piston sizes to analyze.

the CKE SEE 3-D System has the capability to analyze very large and very small cylinder and piston surfaces.  Recently the ranges were from 1.45″ to 17.75″.  Will Pisoni and Josh Mandernach (Cke Engineers) are seen here using the SEE 3-D replicator in a large cylinder.  Will also conducted piston groove finish analysis on the piston shown below which fits inside the palm of your hand.


The SEE 3-D® “I” Industrial system is designed to examine the surface finish in very small bores that are difficult to measure.  With this device, CKE has created a surface measurement system that can reach where no profilometer can.  This replicator is practical for use by operators on the production floor.  (Range 0.37″ and above)


The SEE 3-D® “A” Automotove system measures small and large bores typically found in the automotive and large diesel industries.  The replicator is designed to be flexible and adjust to all sizes of cylinders both vertically and horizontally.  (2.5″ and above)


Topic 3:  the CKE See 3-D Three-Dimensional Surface evaluation system not only quantifies over 30 specific finish values, but also quantifies torn and folded material as well as porosity and cross hatch angle.

Torn and folded material can disrupt proper sealing or act as an abrasive that leads to premature wear in an engine.

Work done recently for a CKE customer using the SEE 3-D Surface Evaluation System enabled CKE to expand and further automate the ability to identify and quantify torn and folded material using proprietary algorithms that can replicate a standardized manual process with greater precision and far less time.  See TR Report 359TFMcomparison

The CKE SEE 3-D Three-Dimensional Surface Evaluation system is offered to customers in 3 ways:

1.  As a product for sale which includes the replication unit, the ZeGage interferometer and Windows 7 computer with CKE proprietary SEE 3-D software.

2.  As a Service whereby the customer can purchase the replicator and replicate materials.  Make the replicates in house and have CKE profide the analysis.

3.  As a service whereby the customer can send the cylinder blocks to CKE for replication and analysis.

See CKE SEE 3-D product information.

CKE will begin producing monthly newsletters starting this month, August, 2014.

CKE appreciates the opportunity to provide Cylinder Kit tecnhologies, products and services.

Best Regards,

Harold McCormick